Gorillaz, the virtual super group created by musical genius and Blur frontman Damon Albarn and animator Jamie Hewlett is the definition of post modern and future music. Created in 1998 the "music project" has been a phenomenal success, breaking a huge intertnational audience (namely America, United Kingdom and Japan) the "band" has released 4 albums spanning a wide virtual narrative about the band memebers with animation and additions to the narrative with every subsequent album, including a tour (once featuring completely virtual band on stage), since the internet Gorillaz has sky rocketed using marketing and technology to their advantage, the internet giving fans a chance to hear, see and interview the virtual characters, their most recent album, "The Fall" was recordered and mixed whilst on tour in America on the iPad and interestingly was a complete move from the guest heavy and hyped album Plastic Beach, The Fall having little to no marketing or guests. The visual style of Gorillaz is a key concept to their success, the anime esque drawings made them ripe for an asian audience. This is shown quite clearly in their videos which (almost always) portray an ongoing narrative, a story to follow to the bands own musicm, the video being an integral part of the virtual bands world filled with special guests and spectacular situations featuring cameos from guest artists. The visual style and music infused narratives in their videos create a likeable thoroughly modern artistic movement, one where the artists don't need to exist.
The 2 posted videos feature the birth of the futuristic band, the video and single "tomorrow comes today" is a haunting song and video on modern society, Gorillaz appear to be an existential and strange musical force, ready to break into a new millennium, whereas the video for later single from their 3rd album "Stylo" features complicated CGI characters and Bruce Willis, the video seamlessly blends cinematic reality with Gorillaz already strange narrative, they both show how the band has evolved, their sound and their general appearance/narrative.
The 2 posted videos feature the birth of the futuristic band, the video and single "tomorrow comes today" is a haunting song and video on modern society, Gorillaz appear to be an existential and strange musical force, ready to break into a new millennium, whereas the video for later single from their 3rd album "Stylo" features complicated CGI characters and Bruce Willis, the video seamlessly blends cinematic reality with Gorillaz already strange narrative, they both show how the band has evolved, their sound and their general appearance/narrative.
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